
I'm totally spoiled!

I was so totally spoiled for Christmas this year. 

Mr. Happy came up with the most thoughtful and amazing gifts... to include a new camera (I will be sure to show you some of the other things over the next few posts).  I am still getting used to the new settings and fun things I can do with it -- most importantly I am getting used to the revised process I need to follow to get pictures on here to share with you. 

Here are some snaps from the last few days!

Our Christmas tree all lite up with the pup posing adorably in front.  Last Christmas she passed out under the tree which you can see here.

I have taken a bunch of these type of close-ups as I play with the amazing zoom, detail, and clarity.  Aren't Katie's whiskers beautiful here?

We managed to get out in the chilly air for a number family walks/hikes.  Our lake is really frozen, snow covered and so pretty this time of year!

Katie thinks so too!  She enjoyed rolling in the snow and walking on the ice a bit.

Then the humungo snow storm rolled through leaving us with about a foot of snow and lots of wind.  Again, Katie and snow are best friends -- it's been a lot of fun so far! 

I even got to put a new sled to good use.  I had no idea that Katie would come charging after me and bark like a maniac at the sled.  Bad sled... how dare you take my momma away from me that fast!!

Look how high the snow comes up on Katie's legs!! 

And I just thought this dainty sniff of the plant was so cute!  The new camera can take pictures FAST!  I don't have any reasons to miss a shot.

Such a serious girl with such big soulful eyes!

And, yes, I have been spending some time in the sewing room!  Here are some triangles that were turned into windmills -- I've been having a hankering for making up a few.

I have also been playing with tulips -- anyone else thinking spring yet?

These have a sort of scrappy look to them that I love!  I have since sashed them together using the same neutral background to form a square table runner for a friends round table.

It's hip to be square!  I think I will be sandwiching this tonight as I had an 'Ah Ha' moment late last night when I figured out what the backing should look like. 

Any thoughts on how to quilt this up?  I wonder what texture would make the petals look more like well, petals?

And that's what my new camera has been taking in! 

I am also dreaming up what 2011 will look like here at this happy spot.  I have a new idea for a weekly meme, I am sure I will be showing you lots more sewing and crafts, the hiking and outdoor imagery will continue, and don't forget lots and lots of Katie!! 

While I am dreaming and planning... any thoughts on things you would like to see more or less of?  Should I keep the origami tuts going?  Are you tired of seeing so much Katie (hope you say no)?  Should I bring more cooking/baking posts back?  Let me know what you heart fancies and I will see what I can do to accommodate!  After all, if it weren't for you coming over... this would just a be a spot where I talk to myself... and that would be plain 'ole weird! 

Work in Progress (WIP) Stats
Last WIP Wednesday Total: (going to omit this time as I am fairly new to this)
New Projects: 1 (tulip table runner )
Finished Projects: 0
Total WIP's: 2 (tulip table runner shown above and X Marks the Spot quilt progress shown here and here)

---Linking to Midweek Blues and W.I.P. Wednesday!---


MJ said...

Katie pics? YES!! You're killing me here with all these great pics of her!!! What a great camera!! What kind is it if I may ask? And I do love the nature pics, and your projects too. I guess what I am saying is I like your blog just the way it is!!

Christie describeHappy said...

MJ, you rock sweetie!! The camera is another Fuji -- the model FinePix z70 to be exact. It's a digital point and click that's easy to use... and is really quick! That's key for snaps of my prime subject -- Katie :) Really, just the way it is? Thank you! I will do my best!

Suburban Girl said...

I wish I had your energy. I can sense it just from your blog. I love seeing your cute little Katie, she is adorable. I love the shot covered in snow. Just make your blog be YOU and people will come!

Jim said...

Those are neat pictures. I think you will like your Fuji a whole lot.

I like especially the snow and Katie ones. We don't get snow or iced over lakes here just north of Houston.

Melanie said...

I love the pictures of Katie! My husband had a golden growing up, so anytime you have pictures of her I make sure he sees them!! So adorable!

Love the colors of your table runner! Happy WIP Wednesday!

monika@mysweetprairie.ca said...

NEW CAMERA! That's awesome! Love the new view on life. You are so lucky! : )

Happy almost new year!

Unknown said...

Katie is beautiful! congratulations on the new camera. that is also in my wish list but i guess Santa was cost-cutting.:p


Jeannette StG said...

You have a beautiful and adorable dog! Your first photo is my favorite though!

EG CameraGirl said...

Katie is a sweetheart! My kinda dog. :)

Megan said...

Oh I love the dog pictures. I have a one year old yellow lab puppy and he is LOVING all the snow we have in Iowa. :) Happy WiP Wednesday!

marjorie said...

hey you,,,,nice pics;looks like you are enjoying your new toy there....and the sewing looks great too...

Jenny said...

Oh! gorgeous photos!What a beautiful tree and Katie looks almost angelic with the twinkly lights behind her :) Delighted to hear you were spoilt at christmas, the way it should be :)I look forward to seeing more photos from the snazzy camera! And yes...I am definitely thinking spring...roll on!

Diane said...

Congrats ont he new camera and have fun with it! Love the way your tulip table runner is coming together!

Wandering Minstrel said...

Aw, what wonderful pics! My Mr got me lots of good stuff for Christmas, too--an ultralight pair of Gingher sewing shears, for one, that I just adore! :)

I love your WIP, although I have no idea how to quilt it. Hee!

Anonymous said...

nice pictures! Congrats on the new camera!

Lee said...

Awww, I love the pictures of Katie! Seriously, how could anybody NOT feel happy when they see that face? : )

Love the tulips, and all the pictures from the new camera. Thanks for linking up with WIP Wednesday!

Aunt Spicy said...

Those blocks are fabulous! Cant wait to see the final quilt!

Augie and Ti's mom said...

Wowwwwwww! Super-fabulous pictures!!

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