Happy Friday! Mr Happy took these pictures for me at a 4th of July fireworks display. It's been a crazy week, but it feels good to be at the end and realize I survived another one!
I was at a music festival in Rosendale (NY) this past weekend and I will be bringing you several pictures from the event this week! Their was a ton of live music, delicious food, sunshine, and beer tents... all the ingredients of a good time!
This particular duo pictured is from a drummer group, and I will tell you... when I heard them I couldn't help but to dance! It started in my toes, then moved to my feet, and next thing you know my hips were swaying! It reminded me how freeing music can be. How it can really let you release that stress that you carry all the time.
The experience also reminded me that I want to learn how to dance African. Anyone, reading also watch the show on Fox called So You Think You Can Dance? First of all if you don't watch it... WATCH IT. Second, if you do watch it then you saw the jaw dropping, goosebump arousing dance done by the 5 guys last week, right? That was an african dance! And the drums I heard in Rosendale brought that all back to me! Let's kick this week off with some soul awakening drums!
Then, I am fascinated by the sheer strength of the webbing material. It's strong! Ever seen a live bugs stuck in a web? All that wiggling and jiggling and the web still holds! That's also where the stickiness comes in.
Go look for a spider web around you and check it out!
I don't have a ton of time right now to post, but I do have some fun things coming up this week. It's mostly fun things from the 4th of July... like decor I used for a party, lip-smacking cup cakes I made, fireworks, and more! I should be able to spend some time tonight getting those posts in order to share! Hope your 4th was amazing!